Swing – Other

Basic Part 1

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Traditional Square Dance Figure:


First couple to the right,
Change partners there and swing;
Take that lady to the next (leave first lady)
And do it once again.
Now take that lady to the next
And do it once again.
Take that lady back to place
And everybody swing.
Now honor to your corner (bow);
Honor to your new lady;
All join hands and circle left full around.

Traditional Square Dance:


Music: “The Girl I Left Behind Me”

The first gent lead out to the right,
Circle three hands round and mind you,
Don’t forget to Swing that girl,
The girl you left behind you

Now the gent go on and the lady follow,
Circle three hands round and mind you,
Don’t forget to swing that girl,
The girl you left behind you.

Gent on to the last two and the lady follow,
Circle three hands round and mind you,
Don’t forget to swing that girl,
The girl you left behind you.

Now the gent go home and the lady follow,
Everybody swing your own and mind you,
Don’t forget to promenade that girl,
The girl you left behind you.

Promenade around the world,
All join hands to the centre, mind you,
Don’t forget to swing your girl,
The girl you left behind you.

Repeat for Gents 2, 3 and 4.