Basic Part 1
Pass Thru
Links: Define – Standard – Module – Teach – Other – Extend
Call Analysis:
Hands needed at the start: Neither
Hands held at the end: Neither
Body flow at the start: Forward
Body flow at the end: Forward
Good preceding calls:
— Dosado
Good following calls:
— If Heads Pass Thru: Separate
— If Lines Facing Out: Bend the Line
— Eight Chain Thru: Trade By
Ending Formations for Standard Starting Formations and Arrangements:
a) Static Square, Normal Couples: Heads Pass Thru
Ends in an Inverted Square with the Heads facing out (See Squared Set Convention).
b) Facing Lines, Any Arrangement: Pass Thru
Ends in Lines Facing Out, same order of dancers in each line
c) Eight Chain Thru, Any Arrangement: Pass Thru
Ends in Trade By, each couple is the same as it began
Some Extended Applications:
a) Parallel Right-Hand Waves, Boys on the Ends: Pass Thru (use Ocean Wave Rule)
Ends in Eight Chain Thru, Normal Couples
b) Eight Chain Thru, Outside Couples Normal, Inside Couples Half Sashayed: Girls Pass Thru
Ends in a Right-hand Mini-Wave on the outside and a Left-hand Mini-Wave in the center
ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB): (none)