Basic Part 1
Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Module – Other – Extend
Choreography for Patter Teaching with Singing Call Options:
Teaching Tips:
Dosado / Dosado to a Wave
A.) Keep facing the same wall throughout the action.
B.) Action ends right back where you started.
C.) Both are moving around each other at the same time.
D.) Dosado is actually a French term that means “back to back.”
E.) From a squared set try, Head Girls Dosado, or Side Boys Dosado.
F.) Only when called, step to a wave.
More teaching suggestions:
— This call is most easily taught by a demonstration. To get started in the correct direction raise the right hand then touch your right shoulder, that is the one that will pass the dancer you are facing. Note something on the wall directly ahead of you and keep facing that object until you have moved all the way around each other and again have eye contact.
— If four dancers in two facing couples are all doing a Dosado with their opposite dancer then the left-side dancers need to adjust outwards to give the right-side dancers enough space in the middle.
— “Counter Dancing” is the term for adjustments made by the inactive dancers to provide more space or a clear path for the active dancers. Often “Counter Dancing” is required during a Dosado because the active couple or couples need twice as much lateral space as they pass shoulders. During “Heads Dosado” the side couples should move apart to provide space for the four dancers to line up between them and then move back together after the space is no longer needed.
Quick quote: “Back-to-Back”
Global view: Without turning, dancers go around each other and return to starting point.
Teaching Standard Applications:
Forward and Back, Face Partner and Dosado,
Forward and Back, Face Corner and Dosado,
Circle Left (16), Circle Right (16)
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No Partner Change Singing Call Figures:
Head Ladies/Gents Dosado, Side Ladies/Gents Dosado,
Circle Left all the way around,
Face Partner and Dosado, Face Corner and Dosado,
Circle Right all the way around
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Heads Ladies Forward and Back (with curtsy), Head Gents Dosado,
Side Ladies Forward and Back (with curtsy), Side Gents Dosado,
All Ladies Forward and Back, Ladies Circle Left all the way around,
All 8 Circle Right Full around
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Heads Gents Forward and Back (with bow), Head Ladies Dosado,
Side Gents Forward and Back (with bow), Side Ladies Dosado,
All Gents Forward and Back, Gents (no hands) Circle Left all the way around,
All 8 Circle Right full around
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Dosado with your Opposite:
Heads Forward and Back,
Heads Dosado your Opposite, (Sides “Counter Dance” by backing up)
Sides Forward and Back,
Sides Dosado your Opposite, (Heads “Counter Dance” by backing up)
All Forward and Back,
Circle Left full around