Basic Part 1
Star Promenade
Links: Define – Standard – Module – Teach – Other – Extend
Call Analysis:
Hands needed at the start: Usually starts from a four dancer star and requires the outside hand to be free
Hands held at the end: Both for the center dancers, the inside one for the other dancers
Body flow at the start: Forward and CCW for Left-Hand Star, CW for Right-Hand Star
Body flow at the end: Same as at the start
Good preceding calls:
— Men Star Right
— Ladies Star Left
Good following calls:
— After Left-hand Star Promenade: Back out and Circle Left
— After Right-hand Star Promenade with Boys in Center: Girls Roll Back, Left Allemande
— Inside Out and the Outside In, Star Promenade the other way
Ending Formations for Standard Starting Formations and Arrangements:
a) 4 Boys Left-Hand Star in the center: Pick up partner Star Promenade
Ends in Promenade with centers forming a Star, Normal Couples
b) 4 Boys Right-Hand Star in the center: Pick up partner Star Promenade
Ends in Wrong Way Promenade with centers forming a Star, Half-Sashayed Couples
Some Extended Applications:
ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB): (none)