Triple Scoot – Analysis

Triple Scoot

Links:   Define Standard Module Teach Other Extend

Call Analysis:

Hands needed at the start: Right for Right-hand Columns
Hands held at the end: Same as at the start

Body flow at the start: Forward for those facing on a diagonal, clockwise for the #1 dancer in a Right-hand Column.
Body flow at the end for Right-hand Waves: Same as at the start

Good preceding calls:
— Touch 1/4
— Column Circulate
— Single Hinge
— Half Tag
— Crossfire

Good following calls:
— Triple Scoot (again)
— Column Circulate
— Single Hinge
— Coordinate

Ending Formations for Standard starting Formation and Arrangements:
a) Right-Hand Columns, “0” (GBGB): Triple Scoot
Ends in Right-Hand Columns, “1/2”

b) Right-Hand Columns, “1/2” (BGBG): Triple Scoot
Ends in Right-Hand Columns, “0”

Some Extended Applications:

a) Right-Hand Columns, “1” (GGBB): Triple Scoot
Ends in Right-Hand Columns, “2”

b) Right-Hand Columns, “2” (BBGG): Triple Scoot
Ends in Right-Hand Columns “1”

c) Left-Hand Columns, “0” (BGBG) or “1/2” (GBGB): Triple Scoot
Ends in Left-Hand Columns, “1/2” (GBGB) or “0” (BGBG) respectively

ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB): (none)