Wrong Way Grand – Other

Basic Part 1
Wrong Way Grand

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Daisy Chain was choreographed in 1952 by Paul Little from Glendale, California.

Daisy Chain is an interrupted Grand Right and Left. Dancers move forward two and back one until they meet partner for a Promenade.

From a Grand Right and Left position:
(Pigeon wing handholds are recommended.) Begin with a Grand Right and Left two dancers, right pull by with the first dancer, with the second dancer turn left half way, to reverse direction and go back one, right arm turn half with this dancer and pull by. Grand left and right two dancers, with the second dancer arm turn half to go back one dancer, left arm turn half. Then repeat all of this again.

Allemande Left for a Daisy Chain,
Go forward two with a Right and Left,
Turn back one, turn by the Right,
Go forward two with a Left and Right,
Turn back to an Allemande Left,

Go forward two with a Right and Left,
Turn back one, turn by the Right,
Go forward two with a Left and Right,
Turn back to the corner Left Allemande,
Back to partner for a Promenade

Link to Jim Mayo calling Daisy Chain during the Dare to Be Square weekend, November 2011.
