Fold – Cross Fold
Links: Define – Analyze – Module – Teach – Other – Extend
Standard Applications:
Fold / Cross Fold
a) Boys Fold
— i) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), Boys on ends, Girls in center
— ii) Parallel Two-Faced Lines (Right or Left Handed), Boys on ends, Girls in center
— iii) Lines Facing Out, Boys on ends, Girls in center
Comment: In i, ii, and iii above, Boys Fold is interchangeable with Ends Fold.
— iv) Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “2” (Boys facing out)
Comment: Often followed by Double Pass Thru.
b) Girls Fold
— i) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), Girls on ends, Boys in center
— ii) Parallel Two-Faced Lines (Right or Left Handed), Girls on ends, Boys in center
— iii) Lines Facing Out, Girls on ends, Boys in center
Comment: In i, ii, and iii above, Girls Fold is interchangeable with Ends Fold.
— iv) Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “1” (Girls facing out)
Comment: Often followed by Double Pass Thru
c) Ends / Centers Fold
— i) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), All Arrangements
— ii) Parallel Two-Faced Lines (Right or Left Handed), All Arrangements
— iii) Lines Facing Out, All Arrangements
Comment: Ends Fold is called considerably more often than Centers Fold.
In Mainstream dancing, use of Fold is normally followed by calls that adjust automatically out of the offset.
d) Centers Cross Fold
— i) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), Either all 4 Boys in the center, or all 4 Girls in the center
Comment: Probably called most often from Left-Hand Waves with boys in the center. Note that the use of Cross Fold is not very common so safest if followed by Allemande Left or Swing
e) Ends Cross Fold
— i) Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Girls in the center)
Comment: A common resolve is Boys Cross Fold, to an Allemande Left or Swing.
— ii) Lines Facing Out, Boys together and Girls together with Normal Couples in the center.
Comment: This is safest because it results in normal couples. Other arrangements are useable with some clues.