Fold – Cross Fold – Teaching

Fold – Cross Fold

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Choreography for Patter Teaching with Singing Call Options:

Teaching Tips:

Fold / Cross Fold
A.) Action can be explained with directional English.
B.) Designated dancer either folds in front or behind someone.
C.) Folder does the action to reverse facing direction but the other dancer does not move.
D.) Similar to Cross Run for Cross Fold, do the action with the furthest dancer not the nearest, crossing by the center of the formation.

More teaching suggestions:
— The simplest application is Ends Fold from Lines Facing Out which results in an Eight Chain Thru formation.
— Most of the other applications result in unusual formations for Mainstream dancers. These applications are usually followed by calls that adjust automatically out of the offset. In some cases callers will use Lines Forward and Back as a way to tell the dancers to ignore the offset.
— Ends Cross Fold from a Two-Faced Line ends in a “Z” formation, which can be changed to a Box by calling Extend.

Quick quote: “Only the designated dancers move in a semi-circle”

Teaching Standard Applications:

From Lines Facing Out:
Heads Pass Thru and Separate around 2 to Line,
Forward and Back, Pass Thru,
Ends Fold, Centers Arch, Dive Thru,
Double Pass Thru, Leaders Partner Trade,
Patter: Slide Thru, Pass Thru, Allemande Left
Singer: Square Thru Two, Swing, Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Box the Gnat and Slide Thru,
Split Two, Separate around 1 to Line,
Pass Thru, Ends Fold,
Right and Left Thru,
[ Eight Chain Four]
Patter: Swing Thru, Spin the Top, Slide Thru, Allemande Left, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Two-Faced Lines:
Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru
Boys Run, Boys Fold,
Star Thru and California Twirl
Lines go Forward and Back, Slide Thru
Square Thru Three
Patter: Allemande Left, Promenade
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Includes Cross Run and Lefts:
Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Girls Trade and Girls Cross Run,
Boys Trade and Boys Run Left
Couples Circulate, Girls Trade, Girls Fold,
Patter: Pass Thru, Grand Right and Left, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ends Fold from Waves:
Heads Lead Right, Swing Thru
Girls Fold, Boys U-Turn Back, Star Thru
Lines go Forward and Back (Partner Lines)
Flutterwheel and Sweep a Quarter, Pass Thru
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Boys Fold from Waves:
Heads Slide Thru, Double Pass Thru,
Leaders Partner Trade, Box the Gnat,
(With same one) Touch 1/4, Boys Fold (behind the girl),
Double Pass Thru, Face Left,
Patter: Boys Circulate, Promenade
Short Singer: Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Swing Thru, Single Hinge,
Boys Fold, Double Pass Thru,
Cloverleaf, Girls Pass Thru,
Star Thru, Couples Circulate, Couples Trade,
Patter: Boys Circulate, Promenade
Singer: Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Star Thru and Pass Thru,
Touch 1/4, Split Circulate,
Boys Fold, Double Pass Thru,
Face Left, Ferris Wheel,
Centers Square Thru Three,
Patter: Left Allemande, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Girls Fold from Waves:
Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Ladies Trade, Single Hinge,
Girls Fold, Double Pass Thru,
Face Right, Ferris Wheel,
Centers Square Thru Three
Patter: Left Allemande, Home
Short Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Square Thru Four,
Touch 1/4, Girls Fold,
Double Pass Thru, Face Right,
Couples Circulate, Ladies Chain Down Line,
Pass the Ocean,
Patter: Girls Cross Run, Left Allemande, Promenade
Singer: Ladies Trade, Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Two Folds:
Heads Square Thru Four,
Touch 1/4, Girls Fold,
Double Pass Thru, Face In
Forward and Back, Pass Thru
Ends Fold, Star Thru
Patter: Boys Circulate, Promenade
Singer: Keep her and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ends Cross Fold from Lines Facing Out:
Heads Lead Right, Circle to a Line,
Pass Thru, Ends Cross Fold,
Swing Thru, Girls Trade (behind his back)
Lines Forward and Back, Star Thru,
Pass Thru, Left Allemande,
Patter: Promenade
Singer: Hold on and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru
Centres In, Cast Off 3/4
Forward and Back, Pass Thru
Ends Cross Fold, Pass Thru
Trade By, Square Thru Two
Patter: Slide Thru and Pass Thru, Allemande Left, Promenade
Singer: Square Thru Two, Swing and Promenade (half)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Pass Thru and Separate around 1 to Line,
Pass Thru, Ends Cross Fold,
Right and Left Thru, Slide Thru,
Pass Thru, Ends Fold,
Patter: Pass Thru, Grand Right and Left, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Ends Cross Fold from a Wave:
Heads Star Thru and California Twirl,
Split Two around one to a Line,
Box the Gnat, Right and Left Thru,
Forward and Back, Pass the Ocean,
Ladies Trade, Gents Cross Fold,
Patter: Allemande Left, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *