Teacup Chain – Definition

Teaching Resource for TEACUP CHAIN

Links:   Standard Analyze Module Teach Other Extend

CALLERLAB Program: Plus

Teaching Order: After Triple Scoot

Recently taught calls: Spin Chain the Gears, Grand Swing Thru

Background: Teacup Chain was created in 1941 by Pat Lewkowicz from Austin, Texas. Jay King classified it as a Special Movement and described it along with several Variations whose names include either “Teacup” or “Beer Mug”. He also described several Relatives of the Teacup Chain that all begin in a Squared Set. Teacup Chain is listed as number 40 in Burleson’s Encyclopedia. Tea Cup Chain was in the 1976 Mainstream Plus list which became the Plus One List by 1980.


Starting formation: Static Square, or proceeding from everyone doing a Left Arm Turn with partner.

Dance action: The caller will specify two ladies to move to the center at the start of the call, e.g., “Head ladies center for a Teacup Chain”. For the rest of the definition, these two ladies will be called the “specified ladies”.

The specified ladies (both Head ladies or both Side ladies) move to the center and Star Right three-quarters to meet their corners for a Left Arm Turn. At the same time, the other two ladies move to the right around the perimeter of the square to their corners, and do a Right Arm Turn.

Following the Arm Turns, the specified ladies move around the perimeter of the square to their new
corners for a Right Arm Turn, while the other ladies go to the center and Star Left once and a quarter to meet their new corners for a Right Arm Turn.

The specified ladies then move to the center and Star Left once and a quarter to their new corners for a Right Arm Turn, while the other ladies move to their new corners (around the perimeter of the square) for a Left Arm Turn.

Finally, the specified ladies move to their new corners (their original partners) for either a Courtesy Turn or a Left Arm Turn leading into the next command, while the other ladies move to the center and Star Right three-quarters to meet their new corners (their original partners) for either a Courtesy Turn or a Left Arm Turn leading into the next command. Everyone finishes with his/her original partner.

If the caller desires the men to execute the ladies part and vice versa, as described above, the starting formation is a Static Square with all couples half-sashayed, or proceeding from everyone doing a Left Arm Turn with their partner. The proper call is the “Head/Side Men Center for a Teacup Chain”.

Ending formations: Static Square, or everyone doing a Left Arm Turn with partner transitioning into the next call.

Timing: 32

Styling: Center dancers turning in star patterns use hands up styling. All turns with outside dancers are forearm turns. When not leading into another command, a courtesy turn, as previously described, is used at the conclusion of the call. Outside dancers (usually the gents) dance with arms swinging naturally from one forearm turn to the next, being as graceful as possible in a movement that offers little other than pivot movements. Ladies may enhance the styling of this basic through skirt work with outside hand.

Facing Couples or Ocean Wave Rule: (Neither rule applies)

Link to Taminations: Taminations Teacup Chain