Spin Chain the Gears – Definition

Teaching Resource for SPIN CHAIN THE GEARS

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CALLERLAB Program: Plus

Teaching Order: After Acey Deucey

Recently taught calls: (second call)

Background: Spin Chain the Gears was created in 1971 by Whit Whitcomb from Pembroke, Massachusetts. It was in the 1976 Mainstream Plus list which became the Plus One list by 1980.


Starting formation: Ocean Waves

Dance action: Each end and the adjacent center Turn 1/2. The new centers Turn 3/4 to form a center Ocean Wave and the ends Flip In (180 degree inward turn similar to Ends Run). Very Centers Turn 1/2. Each half of the square forms a four-hand star (a “gear”) and turns it 3/4. Very Centers Turn 1/2. Those in the center Ocean Wave Turn 3/4 while the other four dancers Flip Out (180 degree outward turn similar to Centers Run).

Ending formations: The call ends in waves with the same handedness and in the same location as the original waves.

Timing: 24

Ocean wave and star turns use standard styling.

As the Centers Turn 3/4 at the beginning of the call, the other dancers pause slightly and then, as they Flip In, they bring the other hand up to immediately join the forming star.

The 3/4 fraction to turn the star can be modified by the caller, in which case different dancers will be the Very Centers for the Turn 1/2.

Facing Couples or Ocean Wave Rule: The Facing Couples Rule applies to this call.

Link to Taminations: Taminations Spin Chain the Gears