Explode and (Anything) – Other

Explode and (Anything)

Links:   Define Standard Analyze Module Teach Extend


Two Couple Choreography:

Heads Pass the Ocean, Explode and Touch 1/4,
Box Circulate, Single Hinge,
Explode and Right and Left Thru,
Pass the Ocean, Girls Trade,
Explode and Square Thru Two,
Partner Trade, Home

Heads Right and Left Thru, Dixie Style to a Wave,
Boys Trade, Explode and Touch 1/4,
Walk and Dodge, Partner Trade,
Left Swing Thru once and a half,
Explode and back away at home

Half-Sashayed Applications:

Heads Swing Thru,
Explode and Touch 1/4,
Box Circulate, Single Hinge,
Fan the Top,
Explode and Swing Thru once and a Half,
Explode and Box the Gnat, Home

Heads Left Swing Thru,
Explode and Left Touch 1/4,
Box Circulate, Left Hinge,
Explode and Box the Gnat, Home