Explode and Anything – Definition

Teaching Resource for EXPLODE AND (ANYTHING)

Links:   Standard Analyze Module Teach Other Extend

CALLERLAB Program: Plus

Teaching Order: After Explode the Wave
Recently taught calls: Dixie Grand, Spin Chain and Exchange the Gears

Background: Explode the Wave was created in 1965 by Jack Lasry from Miami, Florida. It was in the 1977 recommended Mainstream Plus 2 list and it was in the Plus Two list as published in Sets in Order in 1980. Explode and (Anything) was added to the Plus Program in 1985.


Starting formation: Any 4-dancer ocean wave

Dance action: Everyone releases handholds, steps forward and turns a quarter in (90 degrees) to face the adjacent dancer, and does the (Anything) call (e.g., Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, etc.).

Timing: 2 for the Explode portion

Styling: In all “Explode and …” figures, follow the styling suggestions for each of the “and …” figures used.

Facing Couples or Ocean Wave Rule: The Facing Couples Rule does not apply.

Link to Taminations: Taminations Explode and (Anything)