Spin the Top
Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Module – Teach – Extend
SPIN THE TOP Sicilian Circle:
Circle Left,
Circle Right,
Swing Thru,
Spin the Top,
Right and Left Thru,
Partner Balance and Square Thru,
Go four hands then move on to the next
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Six Couples in a Rectangle (assuming four head couples):
Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Swing Thru, Spin the Top,
Single Hinge, Column Circulate,
Men Run, Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing & Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Square Thru Four,
[Dosado,] Swing Thru,
Spin the Top, Right and Left Thru,
Square Thru Three,
Patter: Allemande Left, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Each Four Heads Circle Left three-quarters and Pass Thru,
Box the Gnat, Spin the Top,
Single Hinge, Column Circulate, Boys Run,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade