Spin Chain Thru
Links: Define – Standard – Module – Teach – Other – Extend
Call Analysis:
Hands needed at the start: Right for Right-Hand Waves
Hands held at the end: Right for Right-Hand Waves and Left for Centers
Body flow at the start: Clockwise for Right-Hand Waves
Body flow at the end: Counter-clockwise in the center for Right-Hand Waves
Good preceding calls:
— Centers Trade
— Swing Thru
— Pass the Ocean
— Extend
Good following calls:
— Swing Thru
— Single Hinge
— Spin Chain Thru
Calls for the Ends after they become inactive:
— Ends Circulate Once
— Ends Circulate Two place
— Ends U-Turn Back and Circulate Once
— Spin the Top has good body flow but may be confusing because of the name similarity
Ending Formations for Standard starting Formation and Arrangements:
a) Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Boys as ends and Girls as centers): Spin Chain Thru
Ends in Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “1/2” (Girls as ends and Boys as centers)
b) Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “1/2” (Girls as ends and Boys as centers): Spin Chain Thru
Ends in Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Boys as ends and Girls as centers)
Some Extended Applications:
a) Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Girls as ends and Boy as centers): Spin Chain Thru
Ends in Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “1/2” (Boys as ends and Girls as centers)
b) Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “1/2” (Boys as ends and Girls as centers): Spin Chain Thru
Ends in Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Girls as ends and Boys as centers)
ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB):
(January 2000)
Q: Is it proper to “Spin Chain Thru” from an Alamo Ring?
A: No.
(October/November 2002)
Q: Would it be proper to call “Reverse Spin Chain Thru?”
A: No. The proper term would be “In Reverse Order” but should not be used at Mainstream nor Plus. This type usage should only be for those dancers who are thoroughly familiar with that terminology.
(June 2008)
Q: Is it proper to call Spin Chain Thru from a Tidal Wave?
A: NO. The committee voted this is improper. This application does not comply with the CALLERLAB written definitions.
(June 2008)
Q: From a Thar formation, the call given was All 8 Spin Chain Thru. The Question is: Does this application comply with the written CALLERLAB A-2 definition? A: NO.
The committee voted this application does not comply with any CALLERLAB definition.
(May 2014)
Q. The formation was Two-Faced-Line. The calls given were “Begin with a Partner Trade and Spin Chain Thru.”
A. This application was voted to be improper as it does not comply with the MS definition. The starting and ending formation for Spin Chain Thru is Parallel Waves and NOT a Two-Faced-Line. The dance action describes Turns and NOT Trades.