Slip the Clutch – Modules

Slip the Clutch

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— From an Allemande Thar with Boys in Center:
Slip the Clutch, Left Allemande, Promenade = Boys U-Turn Back, Promenade


Fractional Zeros:

Get-Ins to Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Four Boys Star Right, Turn Partner Left full turn, Men into an Allemande Thar, Slip the Clutch, Left Allemande, Promenade, Heads Wheel Around to Facing Lines

Get-Outs from Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— All Eight Circle Left, Ladies In, Men Sashay, Allemande Left, Go Forward 2 and men wheel into an Allemande Thar, Slip the Clutch, Allemande Left, Promenade

Get-Ins to Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— All Four Ladies Chain 3/4, Heads Right and Left Thru, All Circle Left, Walk Around the Corner, Turn that Partner Left, Men into an Allemande Thar, Slip the Clutch, Left Allemande, Promenade, Head Gents and your girls Wheel Around, Star Thru

Get-Outs from Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— Allemande Left, Go Forward 2 and men wheel into an Allemande Thar, Slip the Clutch, Skip one, Allemande Left