Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Module – Other – Extend
Choreography for Patter Teaching with Singing Call Options:
Teaching Tips:
Recycle (From a Wave only)
A.) Ends solo Wheel and Deal while the other folds and follow adjacent end to be partners.
B.) From right hand waves, feels like centers run, half tag, and face in.
C.) Each half of the wave will end up facing each other.
D.) Can be described as ends start to trade or cross fold while centers Zoom out to follow the leading end.
More teaching suggestions:
— It is important to release all handholds at the start of the call. The original end dancer should keep the previously connected hand available for reconnection when the original center dancer is comfortable doing so.
— Explain that the Center dancers walk almost a full circle to finish a small step back from where they started and beside the dancer they followed.
Quick quote: “Fold, Follow and Face In”
Teaching Standard Applications:
From Parallel Right-Hand Waves:
Heads Leads Right and Veer Left,
Chain Down the Line,
Forward and Back,
Pass the Ocean, Recycle,
Square Thru Three,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Square Thru Four,
Dosado and Make a Wave,
Ladies Trade, Recycle,
Veer Left, Ferris Wheel,
Centers Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left, Face In, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Ladies Trade, Recycle,
Pass Thru, Trade By, {Swing}
Swing Thru Twice,
Recycle and Veer Left,
Patter: Girls Circulate, California Twirl, Promenade (short)
Singer: California Twirl, Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
From Center Wave:
Heads Pass the Ocean, Centers Recycle,
Double Pass Thru, First Left, Next Right,
Forward and Back, Pass the Ocean,
Ladies Trade, Recycle, Square Thru 3,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Pass the Ocean, those Ladies Trade,
Centers Recycle and Pass Thru,
Dosado and Make a Wave,
Ladies Trade, Recycle,
Square Thru Two,
Patter: Allemande Left, Face In, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
With Other Mainstream Calls:
Heads Touch 1/4, Boys Run,
All Touch 1/4, Walk and Dodge,
Partner Trade, Right and Left Thru,
[ Forward and Back ]
Pass the Ocean, Recycle
Patter: Allemande Left, Face In, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Swing Thru, Spin the Top,
Recycle and Sweep a Quarter,
Pass Thru, Trade By,
Patter: Allemande Left, Face In, Home
Short Singer: [ Pass Thru, Allemande Left ], Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Recycle and Veer Left,
Ferris Wheel, Double Pass Thru,
Cloverleaf, Double Pass Thru,
Leaders Trade, Step to a Wave, Recycle,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Pass Thru, and Separate Around 1 to a Line,
Forward and Back, Pass Thru, Half Tag,
Ladies Trade, Recycle,
[ Touch 1/4, Scoot Back ],
Patter: (after Scoot) Boys Run, Square Thru 3, Left Allemande, Face In, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Promenade Half,
Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Recycle, Reverse the Flutterwheel,
Veer Right, Ferris Wheel,
Centres Veer Right, Veer Left,
Patter: Swing Thru, Boys Run, Ferris Wheel, Centers Slide Thru, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Pass Thru and Cloverleaf,
Sides Square Thru Three,
Left Swing Thru, Girls Run,
Bend the Line, Pass the Ocean,
Recycle, Square Thru Two,
Patter: Allemande Left, Face In, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Ladies Chain,
Same Ladies Lead Dixie Style to a Wave,
Extend, Left Hinge,
Walk and Dodge (Girls Walk, Boys Dodge), Partner Trade,
Pass the Ocean, Recycle,
Patter: Allemande Left, Face In, Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade