Pass to the Center – Extended Applications

Pass to the Center

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Teaching some Extended Applications:

From Ocean Waves:
Heads Star Thru and California Twirl,
Swing Thru double,
Pass to the Center,
Centers Square Thru three-quarters,
Patter: Left Allemande, Face in at home
Singer: [Pass Thru, Left Allemande] Come back to Swing Corner and Promenade
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Girls doing the Partner Trade:
Heads Star Thru and Pass Thru, Touch 1/4,
Pass to the Center, Boys Swing Thru,
Extend, Centers Trade, Pass to the Center,
Centers Swing Thru, Extend,
Girls Trade, Swing Thru,
Patter: Half Circulate, Turn Thru, Allemande Left, face in at Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade (short or full around)
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Boys doing the Partner Trade:
Heads Star Thru and Pass Thru, Touch 1/4,
Split Circulate, Pass to the Center,
Girls Swing Thru, Extend,
Split Circulate, Boys Run,
Reverse Flutterwheel and Sweep a Quarter, Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade (halfway)
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