Cast Off – Teaching

Cast Off

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Choreography for Patter Teaching with Singing Call Options:

Teaching Tips:

Cast Off 3/4
A.) Explain the action as being banished away, “a cast off” from the center.
B.) Count the walls as you turn.
C.) Ends 1/4 behind you, casting 4/4 brings you back where you started.
D.) Centers walk forward around ends.
E.) Ends act as a fence post or pivot point of a gate.

More teaching suggestions:

— This is a good time to discuss handhold options for same gender partner pairs. The suggested position is for the left-side dancer to offer the right-hand palm up and the right-side dancer to offer the left-hand palm down. In fact, these hand positions can be used all the time by all dancers to avoid any fumbling when two dancers of the same gender attempt to join hands.

— When teaching Cast Off from Waves, have the dancers keep their inactive hand down until the Cast Off is complete. If the inactive hand comes up too soon, new dancers will have a tendency to re-establish the wave prematurely with the wrong dancers.

Quick quote for Lines: “Centers walk, outsides pivot”

Quick quote for Mini-Wave: “Trade and then turn a quarter more”

Teaching Standard Applications:

From Lines Facing Out:
(Cast twice in the same direction)
Heads Lead Right and Circle to a Line,
Pass Thru, Cast Off 3/4,
Forward and Back,
Pass Thru and Cast Off 3/4 (Partner Line),
Patter: Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Swing Thru and Turn Thru, Left Allemande
Singer: Square Thru Four, Swing and Promenade (1/2)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(Cast twice – once in each direction)
Heads Lead Right and Circle to a Line,
Pass Thru, Cast Off 3/4,
Right and Left Thru,
Pass Thru and Cast Off 3/4,
Star Thru, Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Turn Thru and Separate around One 1 to a Line
Pass Thru, Cast Off 3/4,
Forward and Back, Pass Thru,
Cast Off 3/4, Forward and Back (Corner Line),
Square Thru Three,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade (1/2)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

With Centers In:
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru,
Centers In, Cast Off 3/4,
Forward and Back, Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru, Leaders Partner Trade,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: [Pass Thru, Allemande Left], Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru,
Centers In, Cast Off 3/4,
Forward and Back, Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru, Cloverleaf,
Centers Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Pass Thru and Separate Around One to a Line,
Forward and Back, Star Thru,
Double Pass Thru, Centers In, Cast Off 3/4,
Forward and Back, Star Thru,
Centers Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Centers Half-Sashayed:
Heads Right and Left Thru and Half Sashay,
Sides Star Thru, Double Pass Thru,
Centers In, Cast Off 3/4,
Forward and Back, Pass the Ocean
Patter: Boys Circulate, Boys Run, Promenade
Singer: All Eight Circulate, Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Same Gender Wheel and Deal:
Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru,
Centers In, Cast Off 3/4,
Forward and Back, Pass Thru,
Wheel and Deal, Girls Pass Thru,
Touch 1/4, Boys Trade,
Patter: All Eight Circulate once and a half, Turn Thru, Left Allemande, Face In, Home
Singer: All Eight Circulate, Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Waves with Girls facing out:
Heads Lead Right, Touch 1/4,
Centers Trade, Swing Thru
Right Cast Off 3/4,
Girls Trade, Boys Circulate
Patter: Turn Thru, Promenade
Singer: [Swing Thru, Boys Trade], Swing and Promenade (1/2)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Heads Pass the Ocean and Swing Thru,
Extend, Centers Trade,
Cast Right 3/4, Ladies Trade,
Single Hinge, Split Circulate, Boys Run (Partner Line),
Patter: Touch 1/4, Column Circulate, Boys Run, Allemande Left
Singer: Square Thru 4, Swing and Promenade (1/2)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Waves with Boys facing out:
Heads Touch 1/4, those Boys Run,
All Touch 1/4, Split Circulate,
Cast Off 3/4, Boys Trade,
Boys Run, Bend the Line,
[Forward and Back,] Square Thru Three,
Patter: Allemande Left, Face in at Home
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Columns:
Heads Lead Right, Circle to a Line,
Touch 1/4, Column Circulate,
Cast Off 3/4, Boys Trade and Run,
Wheel and Deal, Forward and Back, Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade