Extend – Standard Applications

CALLERLAB Program: Basic Part 2

Links:   Define Analyze Module Teach Other Extend

Standard Applications:


— i) Right-Hand 1/4 Tag, All Arrangements
Comment: Most successful if the Extend ends in “0” (Girls center) waves. For other arrangements be ready with clue words if necessary.

— ii) Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” or “1/2” (All of one gender in center)
Comment: Beware of other applications because of the limited standard arrangement options for the next call. Addressing the next call to the outsides will help dancer success.

— iii) Left-Hand 1/4 Tag, Normal Couples Outside, Boys in center of the wave
Comment: Left-Hand applications may need helping words until dancers become comfortable with turning in the other direction.

— iv) Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” or “1/2” (All of one gender in center)
Comment: The comments in ii and iii also apply here.