Separate to Line – Other

Basic Part 1
Separate to Line

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Traditional Square Dance:


From “Wes McVicar’s 75 Favorite Square Dance Calls” (# 49), Toronto, Canada, 1949
Music: Seneca Square Dance & Les Fraises et les Framboises, or other traditional tune

First Couple

Go down the center, divide the ring (between couple #3)
Gent go haw, lady go gee (gent go left, lady go right)
Between side couples you stand
And two by two and three by three (3 on each side, couple #3 at home)

Forward six and fall back six (lines of 3 go Forward and Back)
Forward two and fall back two (Couple #3 go Forward and Back)
Forward six, Pass Thru, and U-Turn Back
Forward two, all the way across and U-Turn Back

Forward six and fall back six
Forward two and fall back two
Forward six and pass right through (and U-Turn Back)
Forward two and pass right through (and U-Turn Back)

Active couple forward and Swing (Active Couple Swing in the Middle)
And six hands round in a great big ring (the other six Circle Left around them)
Go all the way round to your places all
Allemande Left all over the hall

Repeat for Second, Third and Fourth couples