Basic Part 1
Forward and Back
Links: Define – Standard – Module – Teach – Other
Call Analysis:
Hands needed at the start: Both or they might be already joined
Hands held at the end: Both except for free hands at the end of the line
Body flow at the start: Forward
Body flow at the end: Backward
Good preceding calls:
— Circle Left
— Bend the Line
— Star Thru
Good following calls:
— Ladies Chain
— Right and Left Thru
Note that Forward and Back from Facing Lines is often inserted between two calls that would otherwise have awkward body flow from one to the other.
Ending Formations for Standard Starting Formations and Arrangements:
a) Static Square, any arrangement: Forward and Back
Ends in Static Square, same arrangement
b) Facing Lines, any arrangement: Forward and Back
Ends in Facing Lines, same arrangement
c) Circle moving either way, any arrangement: Forward and Back
Ends in stationary Circle, same arrangement
d) Facing Couples, any arrangement: Forward and Back
Ends in Facing Couples, same arrangement
Some Extended Applications:
ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB): (none)