Basic Part 1
Courtesy Turn
Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Module – Other – Extend
Choreography for Patter Teaching with Singing Call Options:
Teaching Tips:
Courtesy Turn
A.) Join left hands boy palms up, girl palms down.
B.) As a couple, left face wheel around to face in.
C.) Girls’ right hand is used as a target for the boys to reach for.
D.) Do not grip hands.
More teaching suggestions:
— The phrase “And a Quarter More” can be used after Courtesy Turn, which adds an additional 90 degrees to the turn.
— The phrase “Full Turn” can also be used, which would cause couples to turn a full 360 degrees.
Quick quote: “Lady’s left in Gent’s left, Gent scoop her around”
Teaching Standard Applications:
Heads Pass Thru and Courtesy Turn
Sides Pass Thru and Courtesy Turn
Forward and Back
All Eight Circle Left
Patter: Allemande Left and Promenade (or Circle half around to home)
Singer: Ladies In, Men Sashay, Allemande Left (new corner), Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Pass Thru and Courtesy Turn
Sides Pass Thru and Courtesy Turn
Forward and Back
Four Ladies make a Right-hand Star to your corner
Gents reach in and Courtesy Turn that Lady
Patter: Ladies Rollaway, Circle Left, Allemande Left, Promenade
Singer: Into a Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Heads Promenade Half,
Heads Pass Thru and Courtesy Turn
Sides Promenade Half,
Sides Pass Thru and Courtesy Turn
Forward and Back
Patter: (home)
Singer: Allemande Left, hold on and Promenade