Step and Slide – Modules

CALLERLAB Program: Advanced 1

Step and Slide

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Zeros from Partner Line:
— (PL): (Geographic) Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Horseshoe Turn, Brace Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By, Star Thru, (PL)

— (PL): (Technical) Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Right Roll to a Wave, Linear Cycle, (PL)
— (PL): (Technical) Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Left Roll to a Wave, Mix, Slide Thru (PL)

— (PL): (Geographic) Right and Left Thru, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Peel Off, (PL)

— (PL): (Technical) Right and Left Thru, Half Sashay, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Partner Tag, Couples Trade, (PL)
— (PL): (Technical) Right and Left Thru, Half Sashay, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Partner Trade, Centers Brace Thru, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru, Pass In, (PL)

— (PL): (True) Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Leaders Trade and Roll, Split Square Thru 3, Bend the Line, (PL)

Zeros from Corner Box:
— (CB): (True) Pass In, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Cloverleaf, Double Pass Thru, Leaders U-Turn Back, (CB)
— (CB): (Geographic) Pass Out, Step and Slide, Clover and Quarter Out, (CB)
— (CB): (Geographic) Touch 1/4, Centers Trade, Centers Run, Couples Circulate, Bend the Line, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Track 2, Girls Run, Turn and Deal, Circle 4 Halfway, (CB)
— (CB): (Technical Invert and Rotate) Centers In, Acey Deucey, Step and Slide, Horseshoe Turn, Brace Thru, (CB)

Fractional Zeros:
— (PL): Half Fractional Zero from a Partner Line: Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Peel Off
— (CB): Half Fractional Zero from a Corner Box: Centers In, Step and Slide, Trade By
— (CB): Half Fractional Zero from a Corner Box: Pass In, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Horseshoe Turn

Get-Ins to Partner Line:

— Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Bend the Line, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Peel Off, (PL)
— Heads Lead Right, Pass the Sea, Recycle, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Peel Off, (PL)
— Heads Wheel Thru, Touch 1/4, Boys Diagonally Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Face In, (PL)

Get-Outs from Partner Line:
— (PL): Box the Gnat, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Right Roll to a Wave, Right and Left Grand.
— (PL): Centers Box the Gnat and Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Left Allemande
— (PL): Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Quarter In, Load the Boat, Right and Left Grand
— (PL): Pass the Ocean, Explode the Wave, Step and Slide, Zoom, Leaders U-Turn Back, Right and Left Grand
— (PL): Right and Left Thru, Half Sashay, Pass Thru, Bend the Line, Ends Run, Step and Slide, Left Allemande

Get-Ins to Corner Box:
— Heads Star (or Slide) Thru and Spread, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Leaders Partner Trade, (CB).
— Heads Touch 1/4 and Spread, Step and Slide, Outside Girls Run, Zoom, Double Pass Thru, Peel Off, Slide Thru, (CB)
— Heads Pass Out and Spread, Step and Slide, Outsides Separate, All Pass In, Centers Pass Thru, (CB)
— Heads Pass Out and Roll, Split Square Thru, Centers Square Thru Three, Centers In, Step and Slide, Horseshoe Turn, (CB)
— Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Partner Tag, Step and Slide, Clover and Chase Right, Centers Partner Tag, (CB)

Get-Outs from Corner Box:
— (CB): Single Circle Left Halfway, Pass Out, Step and Slide and Trailers U-Turn Back, Right and Left Grand
— (CB): Right and Left Thru, Half Sashay, Centers In, Step and Slide, Right and Left Grand

Get-Outs from Right-Hand Lady Box Out of Sequence (Across the Street Box):
(RBO = XB): Centers Split 2 and Separate Around One to a Line, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Centers U-Turn Back, Trade By, Allemande Left

Convert GGBB Facing Lines to BGBG Facing Lines:
(GGBB) Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Centers Trade, Outsides Peel Off (BGBG)

Convert BBGG Facing Lines to BGBG Facing Lines:
(BBGG) Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Leaders Trade, Slide Thru (BGBG)

Conversion from Corner Box to Partner Line:
— (CB): Centers In, Step and Slide, Clover and Pass the Ocean, Very Centers Trade, Extend, Lockit, Recycle, (PL)
— (CB): Pass Out, Step and Slide, Peel Off, Touch 1/4, Column Circulate, Partner Tag, U-Turn Back, (PL)

Conversion from Partner Line to Corner Box:
(PL): Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Clover and Right Roll to a Wave, Centers Lockit, Extend, Acey Deucey, Recycle and Reverse Half Sashay, (CB)
(PL): Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Partner Hinge, Grand Swing Thru, Slide Thru, (CB)
(PL): Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Leaders Trade and Roll, Split Square Thru 2, Horseshoe Turn, Brace Thru, Step to a Wave, Acey Deucey, Recycle, (CB)
(PL): Right and Left Thru, Pass Thru, Step and Slide, Leaders Peel Off, Step and Slide, Clover and Pass the Ocean, Extend, Acey Deucey, Recycle, (CB)