CALLERLAB Program: Advanced 1
Teaching Resource for Quarter In and Quarter Out
Links: Analyze – Module – Teach
Teaching Order: After Clover and (Anything)
Recently taught calls: Cast a Shadow, Six-Two Acey Deucey
Background: “Quarter In and Quarter Out” were created in 1959 by Jim Faulkenberry and Clarence Watson from Blue Springs, Missouri. They are in the CALLERLAB Advanced List for 1977 and were listed as A-1 about 1980.
Definition for Quarter In:
Starting formations: From anywhere Partner is defined, or the call Face In can be done.
Dance action: Turn 1/4 in place to face your Partner. If you have no Partner (as in a Diamond), then Face In toward the center of your half of the set.
Ending formations: Parallel General Lines end in an Eight Chain Thru formation.
An Eight Chain Thru formation ends in Facing Lines.
Definition for Quarter Out:
Starting formations: From anywhere Partner is defined, or the call Face Out can be done.
Dance action: Turn 1/4 in place away from your Partner. If you have no Partner (as in Single File Promenade), then Face Out from the center of your half of the set.
Timing: 2
Link to Taminations: