CALLERLAB Program: Advanced 1
Teaching Resource for Clover and (Anything)
Links: Analyze – Module – Teach
Teaching Order: After Six-Two Acey Deucey
Recently taught calls: Right (Left) Roll to a Wave, Cast a Shadow
Background: “Clover and (Anything)” was created by Jack Lasry from Miami, Florida in 1965. It was in the Advanced List in 1977 and in the A-1 List in 1980.
Starting formations: Any formation in which 2 couples are facing out and can do a Cloverleaf (for example, Trade By formation).
Dance action: Those facing out Cloverleaf, while the others do the Anything call (after moving to the center, if necessary).
Ending formations: The four dancers who have done the Cloverleaf will be in Couples facing in.
Timing: Greater of 4 or the call
Link to Taminations: