Dixie Grand
Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Module – Teach – Extend
Traditional Square Dance Figures:
Dixie Chain: (Bill Owen 1952)
From a Single Double Pass Thru formation (or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front).: 1. Centers right pull by;
2. All left pull by;
3. Centers right pull by.
Ends in a Single Completed Double Pass Thru formation.
All Four Couples Dixie Chain:
From a squared set:
1. Four Ladies Star by the Right to opposite man and pull him by with the left hand;
2. Ladies stay facing out as the four men star by the right across to stand behind partner.
Dixie Daisy: (Bill Shymkus 1958)
From a Single Double Pass Thru formation (or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front):
1. Centers right pull by;
2. All left Turn Thru;
3. Centers right pull by.
Ends in a Single Completed Double Pass Thru formation.
Dixie Wheel: (Ralph Kinnane 1960)
From a Single Double Pass Thru formation (or from Facing Couples, in which case the Belle goes in front):
1. Centers Right Pull By;
2. All Left Pull By;
3. Centers Right Arm Turn full around then Step Thru.
Ends in a Single Completed Double Pass Thru.
Triple Dixie: (Madeleine Allen 1950’s)
From two facing columns of 3 at the head positions with one lone dancer on each side of the set facing in:
1. The two columns of 3 will do a regular Dixie Chain, alternating pulling by hands (right, left, right, left).
The following commands are then normally given:
2. “First dancer left around 1”: ie. Each lead dancer will turn to the left, walk past the lone dancer there, and face in to the center beside him.)
3. “Next dancer turn back”: ie. Each second dancer will turn back at outside of square to face in.
4. “Next dancer chain 3/4”: ie. Last two dancers in the dixie chain, instead of pulling by, will chain 3/4 out to the original lone people on each side of the set for a courtesy turn.
Ends in lines of three facing in at the sides and a lonesome dancer at the heads.
Here is a possible figure for Triple Dixie:
Heads Half Sashay Once and a Half,
Side Ladies Chain 3/4, Head Gents turn her and put her in front,
Columns of 3 Triple Dixie “Right, Left, Right, Left”,
First dancer Left Around One, Next dancer U-Turn Back at Head,
Next dancer Chain 3/4 and Side Gent Roll her away,
Sides Forward Six and Back, Lone Gents Dosado,
All join hands and Circle Left,
Allemande Left, Promenade