Trade the Wave
Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Module – Teach – Extend
Two Couple Choreography:
Right and Left Thru, Dixie Style to a Wave,
Trade the Wave,
Swing Thru, Spin the Top,
Recycle, Home
Right and Left Thru,
Dixie Style to a Wave,
Boys Trade, Trade the Wave,
Linear Cycle
Two Ladies Chain,
Dixie Style to a Wave,
Boys Trade, Left Swing Thru,
Trade the Wave,
Boys Run, Bend the Line, Home
Pass the Ocean, Trade the Wave,
Left Swing Thru,
Girls Run, Bend the Line,
Dixie Style to a Wave,
Trade the Wave,
Linear Cycle, Home
The Test:
Swing Thru, Trade the Wave,
Left Swing Thru, Trade the Wave,
Girls Trade, Trade the Wave,
Left Swing Thru, Trade the Wave,
Right Hinge and Roll, Home
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Sicilian Circle Figures:
These figures can be used for separate Sicilian Circle dances.
Or any two or more of the figures could be called sequentially.
Each line is intended to be danced in 8 beats.
Trade the Wave #1 (left wave, boys in center):
Right and Left Thru,
Dixie Style to a Wave, Boys Trade,
Take a Peek and Trade the Wave,
Linear Cycle,
Reverse Flutterwheel,
Left Dosado to a Left-Hand Wave,
Take a Peek and Trade the Wave,
Recycle and Pass Thru
Trade the Wave #2 (left wave, boys in center):
Right and Left Thru,
Dixie Style to a Wave,
Take a Peek and Trade the Wave,
Swing Thru,
Girls Fold, Peel the Top,
Recycle, Veer Left,
Half Tag, Trade and Roll,
Pass Thru and on to the next.
Trade the Wave #3 (left wave, girls in center):
Two Ladies Chain,
Dixie Style to a Wave,
Boys Trade, Left Swing Thru,
Take a Peek and Trade the Wave,
Spin the Top,
Single Hinge, Follow Your Neighbor,
Recycle (follow her),
Veer Right and Veer Left.
Trade the Wave #4 (right wave, girls in center)
[ Dosado and ] Pass the Ocean,
Take a Peek and Trade the Wave,
Left Swing Thru,
Girls Run, Bend the Line,
Dixie Style to a Wave,
Take a Peek and Trade the Wave,
Fan the Top,
Swing Thru and Turn Thru.
Trade the Wave #5 (right wave, boys in center)
Dosado to a Wave and Balance,
Swing Thru,
Take a Peek and Trade the Wave,
Left Swing Thru,
Boys Run, Bend the Line,
Dosado (or Step) to a Wave and Boys Trade,
Swing Thru,
Explode the Wave.