Trade the Wave – Analysis

Trade the Wave

Links:   Define Standard Module Teach Other Extend

Call Analysis:

Hands needed at the start: Releasing hands already held in the wave
Hands held at the end: Hands needed to form the new wave

Body flow at the start: Clockwise or counterclockwise towards the far end of the wave
Body flow at the end: Same as at the start

Good preceding calls:
— Centers Trade
— Swing Thru
— Left Swing Thru
— Pass the Ocean
— Extend
— Dixie Style to a Wave
— Follow Your Neighbor

Good following calls:
— Ends / Centers / All 8 Circulate
— Centers Trade
— Centers Run
— Recycle
— Swing

Ending Formations for Standard starting Formation and Arrangements:
a) Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Boys in center, Girls on ends): Trade the Wave
Ends in Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Girls in center, Boys on ends)

b) Center four dancers in a Left-Hand Wave, Girls as ends and Boys as centers: Trade the Wave
Ends in Center Right-Hand Wave, Girls in center, Boys on ends

Some Extended Applications:

a) Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Girls in center, Boys on ends): Trade the Wave
Ends in Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “0” (Boys in center, Girls on ends)

b) Left-Hand Parallel Waves, “1” (Girls facing out, Boys facing in): Trade the Wave
Ends in Right-Hand Parallel Waves, “2” (Boys facing out, Girls facing in)

ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB):

(July 2011)
Q: Is it proper to call Trade the Wave from an Alamo Style Wave?
A: Improper: This action does not comply with the CALLERLAB Plus definition. There is no defining wave.

(September 2011)
Q: Is it proper to call Trade the Wave from a Thar formation?
A: The ARC declared that this application does not comply with the CALLERLAB Plus definition and would therefore be improper at Plus. However, it would be proper at A-2 and should be called “All Eight Trade the Wave.”