Explode the Wave – Other

Explode the Wave

Links:   Define Standard Analyze Module Teach Extend


Two Couple Choreography:

Heads Pass the Ocean, Explode the Wave,
Partner Trade, Touch 1/4, Box Circulate,
Single Hinge, Explode the Wave,
Girls Run, Box Circulate and Face In, Home

Left Wave:
Heads Right and Left Thru,
Dixie Style to a Wave, Boys Trade,
Explode the Wave, Girls Run,
Box Circulate, Left Hinge,
Explode the Wave, Wheel Around,
Two Ladies Chain, Home

Heads Right and Left Thru and Veer Left,
Half Tag, Single Hinge,
Explode the Wave,
Partner Trade, Step to a Wave,
Explode the Wave,
Partner Trade, Box the Gnat and back away, Home