Explode the Wave
Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Teach – Other – Extend
— Pass Thru = Right and Left Thru, Pass the Ocean, Explode the Wave
From Normal Facing Couples:
— Pass the Ocean, Explode the Wave, Partner Trade
— Step to a Wave, Girls Trade, Explode the Wave, Wheel Around, Circle Left 1/4
— (Extended) Pass the Ocean, Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Explode the Wave, U-Turn Back
— (Extended) Swing Thru, Explode the Wave, U-Turn Back, Circle Left 3/4
From Normal Eight Chain Thru a Technical Zero when same Sequence:
— Star Thru, Pass the Ocean, Ladies Trade, All Eight Circulate, Explode the Wave, Wheel and Deal, Centers Pass Thru
From Normal Facing Lines Geographic Zeros:
— Pass the Ocean, Explode the Wave, Boys Run, Single Hinge, Boys Trade, Spin the Top, Right and Left Thru
— Right and Left Thru, Dixie Style to a Wave, Explode the Wave, Partner Trade, Reverse Flutterwheel
— Centers Box the Gnat and Pass the Ocean, Ends Pass Thru, Centers Explode the Wave, Half Tag, Explode the Wave, Partner Trade
From Normal Facing Lines True Zeros that rotate the set 180 degrees:
— Pass the Ocean, Explode the Wave, Wheel and Deal, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Go Right, Next Couple Go Left
— (Extended) Pass the Ocean, Hinge, Explode the Wave, Tag the Line, Face Right, Bend the Line, Right and Left Thru
From Normal Facing Lines a Technical Zero when same Sequence
— Right and Left Thru, Dixie Style to a Wave, Boys Trade, Explode the Wave, Bend the Line, Pass Thru, Partner Trade
From Parallel Right-Hand Waves:
— Explode the Wave, Half Tag, Split Circulate (Flip-Flop)
Fractional Zeros:
— Quarter Fractional Zero from Parallel Right-Hand Waves: Explode the Wave, Half Tag
— Half Fractional Zero from Parallel Right-Hand Waves: Explode the Wave, Wheel and Deal, Double Pass Thru, Track Two (Twice through is a Flip-Flop)
— The two Technical Zeros shown above are also Half Fractional Zeros.
Get-Ins to Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Heads/Sides Step to a Wave, Ladies Trade, Explode the Wave, Circle Left 3/4 to a Line
— Heads/Sides Lead Right, Step to a Wave, Ladies Trade, Explode the Wave, Bend the Line
Get-Out from Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Right and Left Thru, Step to a Wave, Explode the Wave, Left Allemande
Get-Ins to Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— Heads/Sides Pass the Ocean, Centers Explode the Wave and Cloverleaf, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru
— Heads Slide Thru and Pass the Ocean, Centers Explode the Wave
Get-Out from Corner Box Wave:
— Explode the Wave, Partner Trade, Slide Thru, Left Allemande
Conversion from a Corner Box to a Partner Line:
— Swing Thru, Acey Deucey, Explode the Wave, Tag the Line In
Conversions from Partner Line to Corner Box:
— Pass the Ocean, Boys Circulate, Explode the Wave, Wheel and Deal, Girls Zoom, Centers Pass Thru
— Pass the Ocean, Acey Deucey, Explode the Wave, Bend the Line, Pass the Ocean, Recycle