Teacup Chain – Analysis

Teacup Chain

Links:   Define Standard Module Teach Other Extend

Call Analysis:

Hands needed at the start: Right
Hands held at the end: Courtesy Turn or Left Arm Turn

Body flow at the start: Girls moving forward, Boys standing still
Body flow at the end: Counter-Clockwise Turn

Good preceding calls:
— Promenade Home (make sure they have time to get home before calling Teacup Chain)
— Left Arm Turn with Partner
— See Saw

Good following calls:
— Forward and Back
— Men Wheel in to an Allemande Thar

Ending Formations for Standard starting Formation and Arrangements:
a) Static Square, Normal Couples: Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain
Ends in a Static Square

b) Turn Your Partner Left: Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain, Side Ladies to the Right
Ends in a Static Square

Some Extended Applications:

a) Turn Your Partner Left: Head Men Center for a Teacup Chain, Side Gents to the Right
Ends in everyone doing a Left Arm Turn with their partner

b) Turn Your Partner Left: Head Ladies Center for a Teacup Chain, Side Gents to the Right
Ends in everyone doing a Left Arm Turn with their partner

ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB):

(July/August 2009)
Q: Would it be proper to call Teacup Chain from Facing Lines by designating who is to lead?
A: YES. This application works well from in-sequence lines but there was a problem from out-of-sequence lines as the ones making the stars got confused as to whom to go to.