Spin Chain Thru – Definition

Teaching Resource for SPIN CHAIN THRU

Links:   Standard Analyze Module Teach Other Extend

CALLERLAB Program: Mainstream
Teaching order: After Dixie Style to a Wave
Recently taught calls: Slide Thru, Fold / Cross Fold

Background: Spin Chain Thru was written in 1967 by Rod Blaylock from Albany, Georgia. Jay King added the following Background Note in his Handbook of Modern Square Dancing: “Spin Chain Thru stands at the head of a very large family of movements that somehow involve dancers who move from one wave to the other by going through the middle of the set. Actually the basic idea was originated by Deuce Williams from Dearborn, Michigan who invented a move called Swing Chain Thru in 1967. Swing Chain Thru used one-quarter arm turns (hinges) in places that Spin Chain Thru uses three-quarter arm turns; and in 1967 the one-quarter turns were deemed not as comfortable as three-quarter turns, so it was Spin Chain Thru that caught on generally while Swing Chain Thru received more limited use.”

Spin Chain Thru is listed in the 1972 Extended Basics Program of American Square Dancing. By 1976 Dixie Style was listed in the CALLERLAB Mainstream Program immediately after Dixie Style.


Starting formation: Parallel Waves

Command examples:
— Spin Chain Thru

Dance action: Each end and adjacent center Turn 1/2. New centers Turn 3/4 to form a center Ocean Wave. Very Centers Turn 1/2. In the center Ocean Wave, each end and adjacent center Turn 3/4.

Ending formations: Parallel waves

Timing: resulting Ends, 3; resulting Centers, 16

Use same styling as in Swing Thru. The resulting ends stand still as the centers finish the call.

The Facing Couples Rule applies to this call.

While the new centers are finishing the call, the resulting ends are often given another call (e.g., Spin Chain Thru; Ends Circulate Twice).

Spin Chain Thru can be danced as “All Turn 1/2. Those who meet Turn 3/4. Those who meet Turn 1/2. Those who meet Turn 3/4”. With this in mind, some callers use Spin Chain Thru from an Alamo Ring as a gimmick (see “Additional Detail: Commands: Gimmicks”). When using this gimmick, callers must indicate which pairs of dancers begin the call, e.g., “Start with the Right and Spin Chain Thru.”

Facing Couple or Ocean Wave Rule: The Facing Couples Rule applies to this call.

Link to Taminations: Taminations Spin Chain Thru