CALLERLAB Program: Basic Part 2
Wheel and Deal
Links: Define – Standard – Module – Teach – Other – Extend
Call Analysis:
Hands needed at the start: Couple handhold
Hands held at the end: Couple handhold
Body flow at the start: generally clockwise or counter-clockwise
Body flow at the end: Same as at the start
Good preceding calls:
For Wheel and Deal from a line of four:
— Pass Thru
— Square Thru 3 or 4 (to end in lines facing out)
For Wheel and Deal from a Two-Faced Line:
— Couples (or named dancers) Circulate
— Veer Left (or Veer Right)
Good following calls:
For end in Double Pass Thru formation
— Centers Pass Thru
— Centers Swing Thru
For end in Facing Couples
— Star Thru
— Right and Left Thru
— Square Thru
— Swing Thru
Ending Formations for Standard Starting Formations and Arrangements:
a) Lines Facing Out, Normal Couples: Wheel and Deal
Ends in Double Pass Thru formation, Normal Couples
b) Right-Hand Parallel Two-Faced Lines, “0” (Normal Couples): Wheel and Deal
Ends in Eight Chain Thru formation, Normal Couples
c) Tidal Two-Faced Line (Right or Left Handed), Normal Couples: Wheel and Deal
Ends in Facing Lines, Normal Couples
Some Extended Applications:
a) Lines Facing Out, Same Gender Couples: Wheel and Deal
Ends in Double Pass Thru formation, Same Gender Couples
ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB): (none)