CALLERLAB Program: Basic Part 2
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Standard Applications
a) Boys / Girls Run
— i) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), “0”, “1/2” (4 Girls in the center, or 4 Boys in the center)
Comment: The most common application is from right “1/2” waves (Boys Run).
— ii) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), “1”, “2” (All 4 Girls facing out, or all 4 Boys facing out)
Comment: Call is directed to those facing out and may need Right or Left added to help.
— iii) Parallel Two-Faced Lines (Right or Left Handed), “0”, “1/2”, “3”, “4” (Mixed Sex Couples)
Comment: Runs are called much less frequently from Two-Faced Lines.
— iv) Alamo Style Wave, BGBG – All 4 Boys or all 4 Girls facing in
Comment: Caller needs to indicate the direction to Run (e.g. Boys Run Right).
— v) Right-Hand or Left-Hand Columns, “0”, “1/2”, “1”, “2” (Mixed gender together)
— vi) Right-Hand Tidal Wave, Mixed gender in each pair
Comment for v and vi: Most common usages end in normal couples. Otherwise, the follow-up choreography may tend to be non-standard.
— vii) 1/4 Tag or 3/4 Tag (Right or Left Handed), Any Arrangement with mixed sexes in the Wave
Comment: The call is directed to Boys or Girls in the Center Wave.
b) Centers Run
— i) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), All Arrangements
Comment: The most common application is from right “1/2” (Boys in center) waves which is equal to Boys Run.
— ii) 1/4 Tag or 3/4 Tag, Any Arrangement
Comment: Call is directed to Centers in the Wave.
c) Ends Run
— i) Parallel Waves (Right or Left Handed), All Arrangements
Ends Run is called much less frequently than Centers Run.
— ii) 1/4 Tag or 3/4 Tag, All Arrangements
Comment: The call is directed to Ends in the Wave