Teacup Chain – Other

Teacup Chain

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Teacup Chain Variations:

All Four Ladies Teacup Chain:
From a Static Square: Four girls make a Right-Hand Star three-quarters. Boys arm turn them by the left and send them to the right for a Right Arm Turn. Four girls now Star Left once and a quarter. Boys turn them by the right and send them to the right where all Left Arm Turn original partners to take the next call or finish with a Courtesy Turn.

Beer Mug Chain: (Idea by Harry Schoeneman, Virginia, 1956)
Gents are active instead of the Ladies, they begin with the left hand and they progress around the square to the left. The caller must specify two gents to move to the center at the start of the call. (e.g., “Head Gents center Beer Mug Chain, Side Gents to the Left with the left”.

The specified gents move to the center and Star Left three-quarters to meet their corners for a Right Arm Turn. At the same time, the other two gents move to the left around the perimeter of the square to their corners and to a Left Arm Turn.

Following the Arm Turns, the specified gents move around the perimeter of the square to their new corners for a Left Arm Turn while the other gents go to the center and Star Right once and a quarter to meet their new corners for a Left Arm Turn.

The specified gents then move to the center and Star Right once and a quarter to their new corners for a Left Arm Turn, while the other gents move to their new corner (around the perimeter of the square) for a Right Arm Turn.

Finally, the specified gents move to their new corners (their original partners) for a Right Arm Turn leading into the next command, while the other gents move to the center and Star Left three-quarters to meet their new corners (their original partners) for a Right Arm Turn leading into the next command.

Grand T:
From a Static Square: Four gents Star Right three-quarters, turn right-hand lady by the left and move directly to the right to turn opposite lady by the right. Four men now Star Left once and a quarter to turn original corner by the right and go directly home to turn partner left a full turn and a bit.

Now the four ladies go in to Star Right three-quarters, turn corner by the left and go directly to the right to arm turn the opposite man by the right. Four ladies now Star Left once and a quarter to turn this man by the right and all go directly to the right to arm turn original partner by the left to take the next call.

Cracked Teacup Chain:
In this variation the girls make the first star, then the boys make the next two (from the head position always) and the girls make the final star (by the right 3/4).

From a Static Square: Head Ladies move to the center and Star Right three-quarters to meet their corners for a Left Arm Turn while the side two ladies move to their right around the perimeter of the square to their corners for Right Arm Turn. Then the Head Gents move to the center and Star Left once and a quarter and turn the girls at the side with the Right while the Side Gents move to the right for a Right Arm Turn. The original Side Gents now move to the center and Star Left once and a quarter and turn the girls at the side with the right while the original Head Gents move to the right for a Left Arm Turn. Finally the original Side Ladies move to the center for a Right Arm Turn three-quarters to original partner for a Courtesy Turn while the original Head Ladies move to the right to original partner for a Courtesy Turn.

If ended with a Courtesy Turn all dancers are on the opposite side of the square from their starting position. It may also end with the Left Arm Turn into the next call.