Dixie Grand – Analysis

Dixie Grand

Links:   Define Standard Module Teach Other Extend

Call Analysis:
Hands needed at the start: Right
Hands held at the end: Right hand just released

Body flow at the start: Usually forward; dancers in a couple facing out begin by turning to face
Body flow at the end: Forward around an 8-dancer circle

Starting and Ending Formations and Arrangements:

The Ending Formation for all the Standard starting Formation and Arrangements is a Right and Left Grand Circle, Boys facing clockwise, Girls facing counter-clockwise.

Good following calls:
— Allemande Left
— Allemande Left go forward two to an Allemande Thar
— All 8 Spin the Top

Since Dixie Grand is most frequently followed by Allemande Left, it is necessary for the caller to know the more than just the starting formation.

FASR needed for Dixie Grand to end In Sequence and all facing their corner:

Beginning from a Double Pass Thru formation, “0” (Normal Couples):
Dixie Grand to Allemande Left requires Paired Couples in the center with their corners behind them (Heads Pass Thru and Cloverleaf).
This can be easily set up by most sight callers.

Good preceding calls for Double Pass Thru start:
— From Lines Facing Out: Wheel and Deal
— Ferris Wheel
— Cloverleaf
— Zoom

Beginning from a Dixie Grand Circle (Single File Promenade, BBGG and Boys (or Girls) U-Turn Back):
Dixie Grand to Allemande Left requires a circular version of the Double Pass Thru setup:

Good preceding calls for Dixie Grand Circle start:
— Four Ladies Chain and Head Ladies Rollaway (or Four Ladies Chain and Side Ladies Rollaway), Circle Left, Circle Right go Single File, Gents U-Turn Back

— Four Ladies Chain and Head Ladies Rollaway, Circle Left, lead Flutterwheel and the Heads Half Sashay, Circle Left go Single File, Ladies U-Turn Back

Beginning from a Trade By formation, “0” (Normal Couples):
Dixie Grand to Allemande Left requires Paired Couples in the center with their corners behind them (Corner Box Pass Thru).

Good preceding calls for Trade By formation start:
— From Corner Box Flip-Flopped from home: Pass Thru
— From Corner Line: Box the Gnat and Slide Thru

Beginning from an Eight Chain Thru formation, “0” (Normal Couples):
Dixie Grand to Allemande Left requires both genders in sequence and all facing their opposite. (Ladies Chain 3/4, Heads Square Thru 4).

Good preceding calls for Eight Chain Thru formation start:
— From Opposite Lines Out of Sequence: Slide Thru
— Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend, Acey Deucey, Recycle

Some Extended Applications:

a) 1/4 Tag, “0” (Normal Couples facing a Right-hand BGGB Wave): Dixie Grand
Ends in Right and Left Grand Circle, Boys facing clockwise, Girls facing counter-clockwise

b) Double Pass Thru, “0” (Normal Couples): Left Dixie Grand
Ends in Right and Left Grand Circle, Boys facing clockwise, Girls facing counter-clockwise

ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB):

(May 2013)
Q: The formation is 1/4 Tag. The call given was Dixie Grand, and the caller expected the dancers to step thru and begin the action with the outside dancers. Would this application be proper or improper at the Plus Program?
A: Improper. The correct application requires that the dancers in the center wave begin the action with their joined right hands. They should NOT start with the outside dancers. If the caller wants it to start with the outside dancers, it must be preceded with Pass Thru or Step Thru.