Fold – Cross Fold – Other

Fold – Cross Fold

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Scroll down — there are two contras followed by a collection of old singing calls using Ends Turn In.


Fold and Follow Contra
By Dottie Welch, January 2014
Formation: Alternate Duple (begin facing Up and Down)
Music: (Reels) or try “Waltzing Matilda”

Touch 1/4 and Girls Fold;
Double Pass Thru;
Individually Face Right; and March;
California Twirl come back;

Bend Line and Ladies Dosado 1 1/2;
Partner Swing;
Long Lines Forward and Back;
Circle Left 1/4 and Pass Thru;
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Fancy Folds Contra
Formation: Alternate Duple (begin facing Up and Down)
This is equivalent to a long Eight Chain Thru formation.

New Neighbor Swing,
Face across, Forward and Back (in 8),
Pass the Ocean,
Single Hinge, Girls Fold, Double Pass Thru,

Face down, go down in fours (girls in the center, 6 steps),
U-Turn Back and come back up,
Boys Cross Fold, Partner Swing (end facing across),
Circle Left one-quarter and Pass Thru.
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Ends Turn In – an Old Square Dance Call:

This material came from calls/view.php
Cue Sheet contains ‘Ends Turn In’
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Ends Turn In

From a Line of 4, Centers make an arch as Ends Fold; Dive Thru.
Back-to-Back Lines (the standard starting formation) ends in a Starting Double Pass Thru formation.

Comments and Examples:
— Often called as “Centers Arch, Ends Turn In”.
— Ed Gilmore 1952
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From “Miss Mary” on Blue Star 1726, Andy Andrus
2 & 4 roll away, 1 & 3 go up and back,
Square thru 3/4 round you do,
Separate around just one, 4 in line go up and back,
Pass thru, centers arch, ends turn in,
Substitute and the center 4 pass thru and corner swing,
Then allemande left, come back and promenade,
Promenade on down the street, don’t you think she’s mighty sweet,
My Miss Mary, the sweetest one of all
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From “Somebody’s Taking Your Place”, on Lore 1016, Louis Calhoun
1 & 3 promenade halfway around,
Down the middle a right & left thru, turn the lady round,
Star thru, then square thru 3/4 go,
Split the outside, line up 4, here’s what you do,
Pass thru, the ends turn in, star thru you do,
Cross trail and swing that corner facing you,
Now, promenade ’em Joe, back home feeling low,
Cause somebody’s taking your place
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From “That Old Gang of Mine”, MacGregor 907, Bob Van Antwerp
Head 2 couples square thru 4 hands around inside,
You split that 2, around 1, make a line right there,
Forward 8 and back again, pass thru, the ends turn in,
Dive thru, square thru 3/4 round,
Swing that corner, go round and round,
Allemande left new corner, promenade your new girl round,
Promenade the gang’s all there, waiting now to,
Swing right there, that old gang of mine
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From “Wildfire” on MacGregor 971, Don Stewart, R-H lady progression
Head 2 ladies chain to the right, you turn ’em with a left around,
New head ladies chain across, you turn ’em with a left again,
Same 2 square thru 3/4 around you see,
Go round one and line up 4 for me,
Pass thru, ends turn in, all swing the girl that’s new,
Promenade, go walking two by two,
Walkin’ on and gettin’ closer, slip on home you do,
For she’ll swing like wildfire with you
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From “Lonesome Square”, on Old Timer 8198, Joe Boykin
1 & 3 lead right, circle 4 hands around,
Make a line, go up and back then, and pass thru,
U-turn back, pass thru again,
Center arch, ends turn in, star thru,
Join 8 hands, left allemande, come back and swing,
Swing and promenade ’em round the ring all the way,
Last night she wore my trinket on her hand,
But now she has another man
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From “Avalon” on Sets in Order 2128, Bob Page
1 & 3 go up and back then wheel around,
Separate around one into the middle and circle four,
Halfway, pass thru, split the ring,
It’s 4 in line, go up and back, then pass thru,
Ends turn in then pass thru,
Corner swing, then promenade,
So I think I’ll travel on,
To Avalon
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From “A Smile Will Go a Long Long Way”, on Top 25011, Doc Heimbach
(Frontier Whirl = California Twirl)
1 & 3 star thru, then frontier whirl and split those two,
You make a line, go up and back that way,
All 8 pass thru, the ends turn in, dive thru,
Then star thru and roll away, now
Star thru across the hall and dosado your corners all,
Step right up and swing and sway,
Left allemande and wear a smile, come back and promenade a while,
A smile will go a long, long way
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From “Kwaliga” on Top 2514, Ray Bohn
Side couples promenade about halfway you do,
Head two couples dosado, then do a half square thru,
Split two, round one, make a line, rock forward back and then,
Pass thru, the centers arch, and now the ends turn in,
Square thru about 3/4, the corners allemande,
Dosado Kwaliga, swing the corners, promenade,
Is it any wonder, that his feet are sore,
From a doin’ that war dance on the square dance floor
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From “Margie” on Top 25015, Len Roos
Head couples cross trail, turn right back, (= Right and Left Thru)
Then square thru 4 hands around that old track,
You’re facing out so split that couple around just one, line up 4,
Forward up and you balance back, Pass thru, join hands you do,
The centers arch, ends turn in, A right & left thru you turn your girl,
Square thru 3/4 round, Swing that girl and promeno,
She’s a girl that you should know,
Oh Margie, Margie it’s you
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From “Nice Work If You Can Get It” on Top 25009, Bill Peterson, R-H lady progression
Head two couples square thru about four hands you soar,
Face the sides and split them, round one to a line of four,
Go forward eight and back, pass thru, the ends turn in,
Square thru in the middle 3/4 round and then,
Allemande left on the corner, pass the next one by,
Swing and whirl with the right hand girl, promenade go round the ring,
Promenade this lady, swing her, she’ll know why,
It’s nice work if you can get it, and you can get if you try
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Idea from “Ragtime Melody” on Western Jubilee 599, Mike Michele
Head two couples circle four 3/4 round you go,
California twirl, split the sides and make a line of 4,
Forward 8 and back, pass thru, the ends turn in and dive thru,
Pass thru and then you star thru,
Each four Circle Left 3/4 round, then pass thru,
Swing your corner, promenade her home,
Take your little lady right on home for me,
Swing her to the Ragtime melody