Centers In
Links: Define – Standard – Analyze – Teach – Other – Extend
— From Completed DPT: Centers In, Cast Off 3/4 = Face In
— Split Two and Separate around one to a line = Centers In and Centers Run
From Normal Eight Chain Thru (all Ext):
— Centers In, Ends Run, California Twirl, Bend the Line, Star Thru, Right and Left Thru
— Centers In, Ends Run, California Twirl, Pass Thru, Bend the Line, Star Thru (Flip-Flop)
— Centers In, Ends Trade, Bend the Line, Center 4 in the line Square Thru, Ends Star Thru
Get-Ins to Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Four Ladies one-quarter Chain and those at the Heads Half Sashay, Sides Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Centers In, California Twirl
Get-Outs from Partner Line:
— Star Thru, Centers California Twirl, Double Pass Thru, Centers In, Just the Ends Bend the Line and Star Thru, Pass Thru, Left Allemande
Get-Ins to Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— Side Ladies Chain and Rollaway, Heads Circle Left three-quarters, All Double Pass Thru, Centers In, all California Twirl, Star Thru (Rotates Set CCW 90 degrees)
Get-Outs from Corner Box:
— (Ext) Centers In, Centers Run, all Box the Gnat, Pass Thru, Allemande Left
Get-Ins to a Corner Line:
— (Ext) Heads Square Thru Four, Centers In, Ends Run, California Twirl