Centers In – Analysis

Centers In

Links:   Define Standard Module Teach Other Extend

Call Analysis:

Hands needed at the start: Adjacent hand between centers
Hands held at the end: Both are held after making the new general line

Body flow at the start: Forward
Body flow at the end: Forward

Good preceding calls:
— Double Pass Thru
— Centers Pass Thru
— Heads Star Thru and California Twirl

Good following calls:
— Cast Off 3/4
— Centers Run
— Ends Run
— Partner Trade (or if genders correct California Twirl)

Ending Formations for Standard starting Formation and Arrangements:

a) Completed Double Pass Thru, Normal Couples: Centers In
Ends in Lines Facing Out, BBGG

b) Completed Double Pass Thru, Normal Couple followed by Half-Sashayed Couple: Centers In
Ends in Lines Facing Out, Normal Couples

Some Extended Applications:

a) Eight Chain Thru, Normal Couples: Centers In
Ends in Inverted Lines, Normal Couple in the Center Facing Out, two mini-waves of opposite genders.

ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB): None