Links: Standard – Analyze – Module – Teach – Other – Extend
CALLERLAB Program: Basic Part 2
Teaching order: After Basic Part 1 which ends with Dive Thru
Recently taught calls: Square Thru, Circle to a Line
Background: Written by Bill Castner, Pleasant Hill, California, in 1950
Minimum number of dancers needed: Two
Starting formation for the minimum number needed: Couple
Command examples:
— Promenade, Keep Walking; Heads Wheel Around and make lines
— Promenade, Keep Walking; Sides Wheel Around; Right and Left Thru
— Promenade; All Wheel Around; Promenade, Wrong Way
— Pass Thru; Wheel Around (from Facing Couples)
— Heads Pass Thru and Wheel Around; those Ladies Chain
— Pass Thru; Wheel and Deal; Centers Wheel Around
— Heads Slide Thru and Square Thru 3; Left Touch 1/4; Walk and Dodge; Wheel Around
— Sides Star Thru; Double Pass Thru; Centers In; Boys Wheel Around; Couples Circulate
— (from Right-Hand Two-Faced Line) Ferris Wheel; Centers Reverse Wheel Around
— Heads Pass Thru and Reverse Wheel Around and Lead Right
— Heads Pass Thru and Reverse Wheel Around and Reverse Flutterwheel
— Sides Star Thru; Double Pass Thru; Centers In; Girls Reverse Wheel Around; Couples Circulate
Dance action: For Wheel Around, the couple, working as a unit, turns around to the left (180 degrees). The left-side dancer backs up while the right-side dancer moves forward. The pivot point is the handhold between the two dancers.
For Reverse Wheel Around, the couple, working as a unit, turns around to the right (180 degrees). The right-side dancer backs up while the left-side dancer moves forward. Again, the pivot point is the handhold between the two dancers.
Ending formations: Couple
Timing: 4
Styling: Dancers use a couple handhold or maintain the handhold from the previous call (e.g., Promenade). They adjust the handhold as they finish Wheel Around (or Reverse Wheel Around) if required by the next call.
Comments: When four couples are promenading and two couples Wheel Around, extra action is required. For example, in “Promenade, Keep Walking; Heads Wheel Around”, the Sides stop promenading while the Heads Wheel Around, and all adjust to Facing Lines. Some callers teach that Sides stop promenading when facing Head or Side walls so that the final formation faces those walls squarely without further adjustment.
See “General: Ways Of Naming Dancers: Heads / Sides” for more details about naming dancers to Wheel Around from a promenade.
Facing Couples or Ocean Wave Rule: Does not apply
Link to Taminations: Taminations Wheel Around / Reverse Wheel Around