Basic Part 2
Touch a Quarter
Links: Define – Standard – Module – Teach – Other – Extend
Call Analysis:
Hands needed at the start: Right
Hands held at the end: Right
Body flow at the start: Clockwise
Body flow at the end: Clockwise
Good preceding calls:
— Forward and Back
— Heads Square Thru Four
— Trade By
Good following calls:
— Girls (or Boys) Run (assuming the Touch 1/4 was done by a Boy and a Girl)
— Split Circulate
— Single File Circulate (or Column Circulate)
Ending Formations for Standard Starting Formations and Arrangements:
a) Static Square, Normal Couples: Heads Touch 1/4
Ends in a Right-Hand Box in the center with girls facing the Sides.
b) Facing Lines, Normal Couples: Touch 1/4
Ends in a Right-Hand Column with GBGB from front to back
c) Eight Chain Thru, Normal Couples: Touch 1/4
Ends in Parallel Right-Hand Waves with the boys facing in and the girls facing out
d) Right & Left Grand Circle, boys facing counter-clockwise and girls facing clockwise: Touch 1/4
Ends in an Alamo Ring with the boys facing out and the girls facing in
e) Facing Lines, Normal Couples: Left Touch 1/4
Ends in a Left-Hand Column with BGBG from front to back
f) Eight Chain Thru, Normal Couples: Left Touch 1/4
Ends in Parallel Left-Hand Waves with the girls facing in and the boys facing out
Some Extended Applications:
a) Although Touch 1/4 can safely be called to any pair of facing dancers, remember that the result may leave few Standard Application options for the next call.
ARC Rulings (Applications Review Committee of CALLERLAB): (none)