Flutterwheel – Modules

CALLERLAB Program: Basic Part 2

Links:   Define Standard Analyze Teach Other Extend


Note: In these modules, “Circle Left 1/4” may be replaced by “Sweep 1/4” after it has been taught.

— Flutterwheel = Right and Left Thru, Two Ladies Chain
— Right and Left Thru = Two Ladies Chain, Flutterwheel
— Two Ladies Chain = Right and Left Thru, Flutterwheel


From Normal Facing Couples:
— Two Ladies Chain, Flutterwheel, Right and Left Thru
— Star Thru, Flutterwheel and Circle Left 1/4
— Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line, Right and Left Thru, Flutterwheel, Star Thru

From Static Square:
— Four Ladies Chain, Heads Flutterwheel, Sides Flutterwheel (This rotates the square 180 degrees or halfway.)

True Zero for Eight Chain Thru:
— Half Square Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Pass Thru, Flutterwheel (This turns square clockwise 90 degrees.)

True Zero from Normal Facing Lines:
— Pass Thru, Bend the Line, Forward and Back, Flutterwheel, Star Thru, Circle to a Line (This flip flops the set.

Fractional Zeros:
— Half Fractional Zero from Normal Facing Couples: Pass Thru, Wheel Around, Flutterwheel

— Half Fractional Zero from Partner Line (or Technical Zero from Normal Facing Lines with Same Sequence): Star Thru, Flutterwheel, Dive Thru, Centers Pass Thru, Star Thru, Flutterwheel, Right and Left Thru

Get-In to Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Heads Lead Right, Veer Left, Chain Down the Line, Flutterwheel

Get-Ins to Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— Heads Flutterwheel and Circle Left 1/4 and Pass Thru
— Heads Flutterwheel and Lead Right
— Head Ladies Chain, Heads Flutterwheel, Heads/Sides Star Thru and Pass Thru
— (Ends CCW 90 degrees) Heads Flutterwheel and Star Thru, Zoom, Centers Flutterwheel and Pass Thru

Get-Outs from Partner Line (= Zero Line):
(Also see Conversion from Partner Line to Corner Box below and add Allemande Left)
— Flutterwheel and Circle Left 1/4, Pass Thru, Allemande Left
— Right and Left Thru, Flutterwheel, Pass the Ocean, Swing Thru, Right and Left Grand

Get-Outs from Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— Flutterwheel and Circle Left 1/4, Pass Thru, Left Allemande
— Each Four Circle Left 3/4, Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Flutterwheel, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Go Left, Next Couple Follow, Promenade

Conversion from Partner Line to Corner Box:
— Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Centers Flutterwheel and Pass Thru

Note that the first Get-Out from a Partner Line is the same as the first Get-Out from a Corner Box!