Extend – Modules

CALLERLAB Program: Basic Part 2

Links:   Define Standard Analyze Teach Other Extend


— From 1/4 Tag: Extend Twice, outsides Partner Trade = Ping Pong Circulate

— From facing lines (a flip-flop): Pass the Ocean, Extend, Outsides Partner Trade,
Centers Swing Thru Double, Extend, Swing Thru, Centers Trade and Run, Bend the Line

Fractional Zeros:
— Half Fractional Zero from 1/4 Tag: Centers Swing Thru, Extend, All Swing Thru, Extend, Outsides U-Turn Back

Get-Ins to Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Heads Pass the Ocean, those Ladies Trade, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line

Get-Outs from Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Pass the Ocean, Girls Cross Run, Boys Trade, Extend, Left Allemande

Get-Ins to Corner Box Wave (= Zero Box Wave):
— Heads Promenade Halfway and Pass the Ocean, Extend
— Heads Pass the Ocean, Centers Swing Thru twice, Extend
— Heads Square Thru but on three Pass the Ocean, Extend

Get-Outs from Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— Swing Thru, Boys Trade, Extend, Grand Right and Left

Get In to Opposite Line:
— Heads Ladies Chain, Sides Pass the Ocean, Extend, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line

Get In to Right-Hand Lady Line:
— Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend, Ladies Trade, Swing Thru, Boys Run, Bend the Line

Bucket Stir:
— Heads Pass the Ocean, those Ladies Trade, Extend Twice, Outsides Partner Trade, Center four Swing Thru, Boys Run, and Bend the Line