Hinge – Single – Other

Hinge – Single

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Hinge idea from The Square Dance Encyclopedia by Bill Burleson:

3538: Hinge and Flutter:
From Ocean Waves: Single Hinge, those facing in extend left hands as others turn back and finish as in a Reverse Flutter.

Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend
Hinge and Flutter
Two Ladies Chain
Forward and Back
Star Thru, Pass Thru, Trade By
Patter: Allemande Left
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Formation: Alternate Duple Contra facing up or down (long Eight Chain Thru formation)
Double Progression in 64 counts

Dosado to a Wave,
Ladies Trade, Single Hinge,
Box Circulate, Boys Run Right,
Long Lines Forward and Back,

Pass the Ocean, – – Extend, (At the top and bottom those facing out Partner Trade.)
Swing Thru, Single Hinge,
Box Circulate, Girls Run Right,
With Partner Two-hand Balance and Star Thru.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Formation: Alternate Duple Contra facing up or down (long Eight Chain Thru formation)
Double Progression in 64 counts
Note: To omit the Swing use “Two-Hand Balance and Star Thru”

Opposite Swing,
Long Lines Forward and Back,
Partners Dosado to a Tidal Wave
Boys Trade, Single Hinge,

Column Circulate (to next opposite gender), Boys Run,
Partner Swing,
Long Lines Forward and Back,
Each Four Circle Left One Quarter and Pass Thru.

(Spare couples at the ends after the Pass Thru should Partner Trade and face in ready to join at the Partner Dosado. Couples at the ends after the Boys Run should Partner Swing then face up or down the line ready to Swing with the new Opposite.