Zoom – Modules

Basic Part 2

Links:   Define Standard Analyze Teach Other Extend


From Tandem Couples: Zoom = Substitute
(Substitute was once in the Extended Basic Program, but it is now in the C-1 Program)

True Zero from Eight Chain Thru:
— Circle Left 1/4, Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru
(This turns the square counter-clockwise 90 degrees)

From Normal Eight Chain Thru formation:
— Dive Thru, Zoom, Centers Right and Left Thru and Pass Thru

From Normal Facing Lines:
— Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Zoom, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Go Right, Next Couple Go Left

From Static Square (Bucket Stir):
— Head Couples Circle Left 3/4, Zoom, Side Couples Circle Left 3/4 and back away

Fractional Zeros:
— Zoom is a half fractional Zero

— Half Fractional Zero from Normal Eight Chain Thru formation: Dive Thru, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru (Equivalent to half of the Chicken Plucker)

— 1/3 Fractional Zero from Facing Lines: Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Zoom, Double Pass Thru, Face your Partner

Get-Ins to Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Heads Circle Left 3/4, Zoom, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Go Left, Next Couple Go Right

Get-Outs from Partner Line (= Zero Line):
— Square Thru 3, Wheel and Deal, Zoom, Double Pass Thru, First Couple Go Left and Next Couple Follow, Promenade
(Or if Partner Line Out of Sequence begin with Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal …)

Get-Ins to Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— (Ends 180 degrees) Heads Pass Thru and Separate around One to a Line, Star Thru, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru
— (Ends CW 90 degrees) Four Ladies Chain, Heads Star Thru, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru
— (Ends CCW 90 degrees) Head Ladies Chain, Sides Circle Left 3/4, Zoom, New Centers Partner Trade (or Square Thru 3)
— (Ends 180 degrees) Heads Star Thru, Zoom, Centers Right and Left Thru, Zoom, New Centers Pass Thru
— (Ends CCW 90 degrees) Heads Circle Left 3/4, Zoom, Centers Flutterwheel and Pass Thru
— (Extended, Ends 180 degrees) Heads Star Thru, Double Pass Thru, Zoom, Leaders Partner Trade

Get-Outs from Corner Box (= Zero Box):
— Circle Left 1/4, Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Zoom, Centers Pass Thru, Left Allemande
— Dive Thru, Zoom, Centers Square Thru 3, Left Allemande
— Circle to a Line, Pass Thru, Wheel and Deal, Zoom, Centers Wheel Around, Left Allemande