Hinge – Couples – Teaching

Hinge – Couples

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Choreography for Patter Teaching with Singing Call Options:

Teaching Tips:

Single Hinge /Couples Hinge
A.) Designated dancers Cast 1/4 around each other pivoting on the handhold.
B.) From two-faced lines, Couples Hinge, the center dancers do not let go of hands.
C.) Keep aware of square breathing, in other words, space to dance.

More teaching suggestions for Couples Hinge:

— Emphasize that the center dancers should maintain their handhold on both sides.
— It is like a quarter turn of a two-bladed fan.

Quick quote: “Centers (boys/girls) hold on and couples turn one-quarter”

Teaching Standard Applications for Couples Hinge:

From Parallel Right-Hand Two-Faced Lines:
Heads Lead Right, Veer Left,
Couples Hinge, Center Couples Trade,
Each Four Wheel and Deal (to the right),
Forward and Back, Star Thru, Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left, Promenade
Singer: Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Parallel Left-Hand Two-Faced Lines:
Heads Pass the Ocean, Extend,
Girls Trade, Boys Run, Couples Hinge,
Center Couples Trade, Couples Hinge, Boys Trade,
Patter: Boys Circulate, Promenade
Singer: [Boys Run, Swing] Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Left-Hand Tidal Two-Faced Lines:
Heads Lead Right, Pass the Ocean,
Girls Trade, Boys Run,
Couples Hinge, Ferris Wheel,
Centers Square Thru Three,
Patter: Allemande Left, Pass one, Promenade Partner
Singer: Allemande Left, Come back to Swing and Promenade
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

From Right-Hand Tidal Two-Faced Lines:
Head Ladies Chain,
Sides Lead Right, Veer Left, Couples Hinge,
Center four Wheel and Deal and Sweep 1/4, Others Bend the Line,
Centers Pass Thru,
Patter: Allemande Left, Promenade
Singer: Swing and Promenade